Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye

Cat's eye is a gemstone variety of beryllium aluminum oxide, which exhibits a rare optical trait recognize as 'chatoyancy'. Chatoyancy is the unique capability to reflect light in a way that resembles the slit eye of a cat, hence the name 'cat's eye'. The cat's eye is one of the most valuable gemstones with a price varying greatly according to their size and quality. The chrysoberyl species (cat’s eye) was first identified in 1789 by renowned German geologist, Abraham Gottlob Werner.
105cts cat's eye

A cat’s eye like effect, known as ‘chatoyancy’, appears to move on this stone’s surface. Cat’s eye is a gem variety of chrysoberyl species and hardness  8.5 on the Mohs’ scale. This species, with its golden tones, is often associated with wealth, which is why the cat's eye is among the gemstones of the luxury class.
There are two varieties of cat’s eye the alexandrite cats-eye and the chrysoberyl cat’s-eye, which is very popular in the Far East, particularly in Japan. The optimal colors of the chrysoberyl cat’s-eye are yellowish-brown, which is called the honey color, and the yellow-green, which is called the apple green color. A very good cat’s eye, apart from being of optimal color, should have a high degree of transparency and a well-defined constant ray. It should be free from any distracting inclusions visible to the eye. The chrysoberyl cat’s-eye is one of the beautiful gemstones because of the chatoyancy or the eye effect.

A translucent variety of chrysoberyl (beryllium aluminum oxide) which shows a silvery-white line across the gemstone. This moves as the stone, the light source or the viewer moves and may appear to open and close like an eye.
Cat's Eye is the stone for the mythical planet 'Ketu'. Cat's Eye is worn to nullify the evil effects of Ketu in one's horoscope. Cat’s eye has been regarded as a preserver of good fortune. The south Asian people still consider it a charm against evil spirits. British royalty often uses it as an engagement stone.

In the world of gems and crystal healing lore, chrysoberyl cat's eye can be a stone of discipline and self-control, thought to gain concentration and learning ability, whilst enhancing the desire for greatness. Chrysoberyl cat's eye can also help increase self-confidence and bring peace to the mind, as well as enhance creativity, imagination, and instinct.  Cat's eye can bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.
 Most chrysoberyl cat's eye is sourced from Sri Lanka, Africa, Brazil, India. Some other notable sources include Burma (Myanmar), Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States.

Rough Cat's eye stone
8cts cat's eye
